dfw hypnobirthing

When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change.

Marie F. Mongan

Women in the US are taught from a young age that they should fear birth. We are taught that birth is painful, scary, and something to be dreaded. But it doesn't have to be. 

HypnoBirthing is a unique method of natural childbirth education that utilizes deep relaxation, breathing techniques, and guided imagery to help you use your natural abilities to birth.

In the class series you will learn what makes labor hurt for some women; but more importantly, you will learn why labor doesn’t have to excruciating. You will learn about the physical and chemical changes that take place when fear, stress and anxiety are allowed to accumulate during labor. In the absence of fear and tension, or special medical circumstances, severe pain does not have to be an accompaniment of labor.

HypnoBirthing techniques will teach you how to release fear and anxiety about birth in order to free yourself of limiting thoughts and emotions that lead to pain-causing fear and resistant muscles.

You will gain an understanding of how your pelvis and birthing muscles work during birth. You will learn about birthing positions and comfort techniques to help you work with your body, rather than resisting it. Your partner will learn about the things that they can do to support you during labor and birth.

You will practice breathing and relaxation techniques that you can use during your birth.

Some people hesitate when they hear the word 'hypnosis.' When we say hypnosis, we refer to deep physical and mental relaxation.

When you have your baby with HypnoBirthing, you will not be in a trance or asleep. What you will experience is similar to daydreaming, the feeling of drifting off to sleep, or the sensation of driving somewhere and not remembering how you got to your destination. 

You will be totally relaxed, but fully in control. You will experience birthing in an atmosphere of calm relaxation, free of the fear that prevents the muscles of your body from functioning as nature intended them to. In this calm state, your body’s natural relaxant, endorphins, replaces the stress hormones that constrict and cause pain.

The overall effect of practicing HypnoBirthing techniques is that birthing mothers are better able to work with their bodies, rather than resisting birth, making the experience a joyful one for mother, baby, and birth companion.

DFW HypnoBirthing classes

about hypnobirthing

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upcoming classes    

Grapevine Birthing Center

The Nest Birth Center, Mansfield

Cost includes HypnoBirthing book, relaxation audios, spiral handouts and attendance for you and your birth partner.

Cost: $400

satirdays 9:30am-12pm

THursdays 7pm-9:30pm

May 2 - May 30

July 18 - August 22 

(skippping August 8)

May 18 - June 22

(skipping May 25)



2015 - HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator
2016 - Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist
2017 - 200 Hour Certified Yoga Teacher
2018 - Holy Yoga Pre/Postnatal Yoga Instructor
2019 - ACE Certified Personal Trainer
2019 - Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach
2021 - Certified Hypnotherapist
2022 - Mamastefit Prenatal/Postpartum Fitness Coach 

my birth experiences

I was so scared of experiencing pain that my ideal birth involved an epidural at the earliest smidge of discomfort.

As I began to research childbirth, I was shocked at what I saw. The women whose stories I read weren't describing their births in terms of pain and misery. They spoke of birth as something empowering, joyful, exciting, and fun.

The more I researched, the more I knew that I wanted a natural birth. I wanted to experience birth rather that 'just get through it.' My husband and I hired a midwife and began planning for a home birth. ​

Despite my excitement, I was still scared of giving birth. During my pregnancy, my midwife suggested we take a  HypnoBirthing class. I was apprehensive about the class, given it's odd name. But we went for it anyway.

My husband and I were cautious of the class because we are Christians, and we didn't know if HypnoBirthing aligned with our beliefs. It turns out, the HypnoBirthing class was perfect for us.

​When I was 35 weeks pregnant, my my water broke and my labor began. I was heartbroken and worried because my baby was premature. I was also grieving because we had planned a home birth, but our baby needed to be born at the hospital. I soon accepted the fact that my birth would be different from what I had planned, and I was finally able to relax.

I laid in the hospital bed as my husband and I used all of the relaxation techniques that we had learned in HypnoBirthing. I immediately went into the state of deep relaxation that we had practiced for several months before the birth of our baby. I relaxed so completely that I slept between each surge until my body was fully dilated and I was able to breath my baby down, rather than utilizing forced pushing.

Giving birth was one of the most incredible things that I have ever experienced. I felt so empowered. After giving birth, I kept thinking, 'That was amazing, I can't wait to do it again!'

My experience would not have been what it was without HypnoBirthing. The class taught me to listen to the signs of my body, and fully relax. HypnoBirthing taught my husband how to support me during birth. It taught him how to make my birthing experience the best that it could be.

I used HypnoBirthing for the birth of my second child in June 2018, and my third in January 2021. I was able to give birth to my second and third babies peacefully at home surrounded by my wonderful birth team, my precious husband, and our other child(ren).

I teach this class because I believe that parents deserve to experience the joy and empowerment that can accompany birth. Birth doesn't have to suck.

Birth may take you on unexpected twists and turns, but you CAN be equipped to meet those challenges with confidence and trust in your body. 

I was so scared of experiencing pain that my ideal birth involved an epidural at the earliest smidge of discomfort.

As I began to research childbirth, I was shocked at what I saw. The women whose stories I read weren't describing their births in terms of pain and misery. They spoke of birth as something empowering, joyful, exciting, and fun.

The more I researched, the more I knew that I wanted a natural birth. I wanted to experience birth rather that 'just get through it.' My husband and I hired a midwife and began planning for a home birth. ​

Despite my excitement, I was still scared of giving birth. During my pregnancy, my midwife suggested we take a  HypnoBirthing class. I was apprehensive about the class, given it's odd name. But we went for it anyway.

My husband and I were cautious of the class because we are Christians, and we didn't know if HypnoBirthing aligned with our beliefs. It turns out, the HypnoBirthing class was perfect for us.

​When I was 35 weeks pregnant, my my water broke and my labor began. I was heartbroken and worried because my baby was premature. I was also grieving because we had planned a home birth, but our baby needed to be born at the hospital. I soon accepted the fact that my birth would be different from what I had planned, and I was finally able to relax.

I laid in the hospital bed as my husband and I used all of the relaxation techniques that we had learned in HypnoBirthing. I immediately went into the state of deep relaxation that we had practiced for several months before the birth of our baby. I relaxed so completely that I slept between each surge until my body was fully dilated and I was able to breath my baby down, rather than utilizing forced pushing.

Giving birth was one of the most incredible things that I have ever experienced. I felt so empowered. After giving birth, I kept thinking, 'That was amazing, I can't wait to do it again!'

My experience would not have been what it was without HypnoBirthing. The class taught me to listen to the signs of my body, and fully relax. HypnoBirthing taught my husband how to support me during birth. It taught him how to make my birthing experience the best that it could be.

I used HypnoBirthing for the birth of my second child in June 2018, and my third in January 2021. I was able to give birth to my second and third babies peacefully at home surrounded by my wonderful birth team, my precious husband, and our other child(ren).

I teach this class because I believe that parents deserve to experience the joy and empowerment that can accompany birth. Birth doesn't have to suck. Birth may take you on unexpected twists and turns, but you CAN be equipped to meet those challenges with confidence and trust in your body. 

I have 3 HypnoBirthing babies. Before I got pregnant with my first, I was terrified of giving birth.

Janie is the most patient, kind soul I have ever been around. Her ability to teach the techniques of HypnoBirthing really saved my husband and I a lot of headaches and pain during the later stages of pregnancy and labor. I recommend this to anyone that wants to deliver without any medical interventions! I loved how she gave me the confidence to take control over my birth plan and the hospital setting. I went to the hospital when I was 9 cm dilated and breathed my baby out! It was a painless easy birth and I loved every second of it! Thank you Janie! My husband, my baby boy and I thank you!


My birth went quickly (just under two hours). I was able to breath through my surges, and breath my baby down rather than pushing. I was also able to stay calm during labor and delivery, and I would not have been able to do so had I not attended this course.




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we'll be in touch soon! 


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Curious about HypnoBirthing? Don't see any classes that fit your schedule? Want to sign up for a class?

Drop me a message and let's chat!

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Online Nutrition and Fitness Coaching.
Pre/Postnatal Fitness.

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Janie herron

hypnobirthing & perinatal fitness

Janie herron

hypnobirthing & perinatal fitness